Tag Archives: Starcraft 2

Yeaaaaaaaaah Comic-con! (Adam)

So I’m going to Comic-Con. Its finally hitting me today that this is really going to happen this summer. I now have the confirmation email and everything! Mmmm official documents. I’ve actually never been to a con of any kind, ever. I’m a nerd at heart but mainly a gamer first, a tech lover second, and a Comic / TV fan third. Kind of amazed that this will be my first con since its in my 3rd favorite thing to nerd out about. I always thought it would be PAX or Blizz Con. Top two North America for Starcraft 2 didn’t work out this year for a free Blizz Con trip. BUT this is awesome none the less! Caitlin and Melinda we’re so excited about the idea of Comic Con last year (even though they weren’t at the event), that when we started talking about going this year I wanted to be a part of it. Also, even though it is my third love, I freakin LOVE Comics / SciFi media so that probably had something to do with it too.

To prep myself for SDCC, I’ve decided to go to some local Con stuff in the area. Mainly a space SciFi con and a gaming event. Possibly a table top gaming con this weekend, but not sure if I’ll have the time to go. This is probably the best I can do before going to SDCC to get me prepped to go outside of looking at past events. I’m still putting together costume ideas for what I might want to cos as, but all in all it looks to be good times ahead!
